• QA & QC: Where QA means Quality Assurance (Quality Assurance), and its main focus address problems involving the development process of implementing the service and QC means QC (Quality Control), which aims identify errors product / service after it has been developed and before it is put into production.

• SHA (Safety, Health and Environment): These are practices in our policies, usually through procedures developed in accordance with guidelines, standards and laws for the safe execution of activities. These practices will always be in written form in order to identify potential hazards in various activities during the work of HIGH RISK and subsequent submission to the Internal Security Group, in order to determine the causes and take preventive actions or mitigation required to prevent unwanted events.

• Occupational Health: Are multidisciplinary activities developed to promote and protect the health of workers. This discipline seeks to control accidents and diseases by reducing risk conditions. Occupational health care is not limited to the physical condition of the worker, but also deals with the psychological question. For employers, occupational health is a support worker development and maintenance of work capacity.


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